Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Toothy Day


Well the dentist was ho hum today. It costed a little less than I expected. Everyone knows that even with insurance, that the dentist is expensive. I would not complain; however, this is the 3rd time I have had something done to the same tooth! First was a root canal and crown 3 or more years ago. Next, with a new dentist, the xrays show that the old crown was not totally sealed, so the crown had to come off and be replaced (1.5 years ago). That was the second thing done. Finally today, with the portable crown in my hand I find out that it is useless, and I need a post in the tooth to help support the tooth and a new crown. All together with everything done to this tooth I have easily spent well over $2200. I wish they would of just yanked it to begin with, or give me a fake.


My kid has been hitting, or taking swipes at mommy and daddy more so than normal lately. I can see revenge in is eyes when he puts his hand back after I make him angry. We do the notty chair thing, plus I will spank him from time to time. But I don't think hitting him will really teach him that hitting is wrong. I think though that a sting to the ass does pay dividends from time to time.

This morning he counted to 20. He missed 2 numbers in between, but its pretty neat to hear him count into the teens. He has been counting to 10 for about a month now.

He also really rode his tricycle well today. I did not have to get him started either. He was all over our little street.


Work went well today. My co worker really cracks me up though. He is extremely liberal. I rate myself in between. Although I tend to side with democrats in most issues, I would say I am a moderate democrat. I voted for our republican governor and do not regret it. I don't know how people can totally agree with the philosiphy of either party and defend it. I would have to say I hate the far right and the far left. You would think most people would have some common sense and be in the middle. Politics basically sucks. We should do whats best for all people, not what gets us elected.

Maybe I will write a little more about this in the future.

I bid you goodnight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might want to delete that spam comment you got.

Okay. I don't know where to begin on this Jeffersonian ass-whupping.

"I'm extremely liberal?" If I were extremely liberal, I wouldn't own stocks. Because that is a very capitalistic thing to do. I also believe in war. Well, I believe in war when it is well-planned and to our strategic advantage. I believe in Capital Punishment. Hell, even today, the Democrats were responsible for a bill "THe online Freedom of Speech act" failing. THat really pissed me off, especially considering that such a bill would probably help DEMOCRATS more than Republicans. They are shooting themselves in the foot. I do not wish for full communism. I do think sometimes people go overboard with the political correctness. I think that's kinda obvious when I talk to you, you cracker.

Here's a kicker. For my economics paper, I'm actually writing a position paper that takes a CONSERVATIVE point of view. I'm going to write a paper that takes a conservative argument.

And then you ask why people can't be in the middle. Yes, why can't we all be mediocre? You are running under the false assumption that just because 80% of people believe something, it must be true. I think that engagement rings are a ruse developed by the diamond industry in the 1930s to sell more diamonds. That doesn't stop 95% of people from blowing a down payment on a house on a stupid piece of jewelry.

You know, I am an ELITIST liberal. I think I know better than most people about these things. Do you know why? It's because I actually do my research. And guess what, I'm gonna give you the argument a conservative should bring, "That if you work hard (do your homework) then good for you." I do not appreciate having that nullified by someone who displays his ignorance of world events daily. It seriously does piss me off. It's unfair.

You probably wonder why I'm very sensitive to this kind of thing. Well, guess what? Ever since 9/11, Liberals have been treated like shit. We've been called unpatriotic, we're told we hate America. We've been called weak, and angry. Hell, you can't even say you're a liberal anymore. It's a bad word. Might as well call me a whore or something. It's just as bad.

I'll watch CSPAN, and I'll see an awesome performance by some Democrats. Like when they closed Congress on Tuesday. And I'll think, "IF only people saw this stuff happening, maybe they'd like us more." But you didn't see it. You didn't even know it happened until I mentioned it to you. And then someone will come to me and say, "Why can't the Democrats be a little ballsier?"

You're right too. I've never voted for a Republican. I might vote against Donald Schaffer if he runs again for Comptroller. I can't stand him. But despite all of the scandals (which for Democrats involve getting a BJ, and for Republicans involve 2000 American soldiers dying and a destabilization on the international scene), I vote for a Democrat because I know that they will pursue a certain set of policies, and I know a Republican will pursue a certain set of policies. Both parties do have a set of core values. There are Democrats who are pro-life, pro-gun, but we consider these things minor issues. Only the crazy religious people make a big deal out of it. But the Democrats have proven themselves throughout their history (American History being another subject you seem to know little about) to be champions of the poor, of strong education, and a distrust of large corporations. That is something all Democrats possess. The Republican party is the "if your life is screwed up then it's your fault." They are the social darwinists (which is ironic since they don't seem to believe in regular evolution). That is what the majority of Republicans believe.

Hillary Clinton is the perfect example of this. I really don't want her to be the 2008 Presidential nominee. In fact, the primary election is where you will get the most honesty out of an election. The primary election is where I vote for the candidate I actually like. I don't like Hillary Clinton, but I know that if she were voted, she would promote progressive policies, just as McCain would promote conservative ones. And it's all about policy, not personality. Or at least, it should be.

I didn't think much of Kerry. In fact, the only politician I ever truly liked was Al Gore. Seriously.

I could keep on writing forever, but I think I'll stop.

5:32 PM


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