Saturday, May 27, 2006

Nice Day for a Bike Ride

My folks came by for a nice visit today with my grandfather. The highlight of the day was Nathan's new (almost new) bicycle. It was one of those Grandma Can't Pass Up Deals.

The bike is a 16" Rock It, by Huffy. I would have to admit, when I first saw it, I thought it might be a little too big in that Nathan would not be able to reach the pedals. But after adjusting the seat to the lowest position, and adjusting the handle bars, it seemed to work out quite fine. More importantly, I did not want to frighten Nathan with it. I assumed he would get on it, have an impossible time pedaling it, and would just ride his tricycle. The opposite happened. He could actually reach the pedals. It is a little streach for his legs at the 6 o'clock position, but he can do it. More importantly he loved it. He was not scared at all, and after about 15 minutes, he could actually get started and pedaling himselt. He also did a suprising decent job of stearing it while pedaling. My hopes were simply that he would want to ride it a little, at the least and go back to the trike. He really loved riding it (did I mentioned he loved it yet?). He rode it for over an hour. We really had to convince him to get down and go to dinner.

After a nice meal at the Olive Garden, where Nathan actually behaved fairly well, on the trip back home, Nathan actually asked to go home and ride his bike. He usually does not want to go home from school or anywhere. He usually likes to be out and about. When we got back from dinner he rode the bike another 20 minutes or so, then we said goodbye to my parents and grandfather.

It was a nice visit on a beautiful warm spring day.

I bid you goodnight.


Blogger Valeri said...

What an awesome gift from Grandma! I bet he'll have a blast with his new bike!!

8:49 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Did he love the bike?

6:27 AM

Blogger My Name is not Earl said...

I think he liked it. How could you tell?

10:02 AM


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