Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I got to stop buying candy. If it is in the house, I eat it.


My kid is really maturing under my eyes. The last week or so Nathan has been sitting quietly with us, or would just act more patient in general. He still has his moments, but these are the first signs that he does not need to be constantly moving.


My coworker, Murano, loves to talk up Apple. Well, it looks like they are having some trouble with the Nano. I like to refer to it as the no-no. It now has its 3rd class action lawsuit brought against it due to the fragileness the screen. It appears that enough people have complained about it being scratched with little use, that not only is a customer in the US suing Apple, but so to are Mexico and the UK. I guess that is what happens when you rush a product to market without sufficien testing. How long has the Nano been on the market? A month? Altough, it appears most if not all ipods scratch easily based on the use of one by my coworker. His is banged up and it see's as much rugged use as a grandfather clock. I guess users must have to spend extra and purchase a skin for it. Thats too bad.

I bid you goodnight!


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