Saturday, November 12, 2005

Star Wars Episode III

A coworker told me that this movie sucked; however, I quite frankly enjoyed it. What the hell its Star Wars. You get to see what happens before it all began. Now, let me first be the one to say the acting is obviously not great, and there are definately weak points to the movie. At times I almost thought that Lucus had to come up with something before Star Wars started, and wrote this idea before he went to bed one night. I'm probably wrong in thinking that Lucas wrote Star Wars first, then came up with the prequel. Ok, "Aniken really wants to save his wife". "He cares about that more than anything, and is willing to turn to the dark side to do it". He practically kills her in the movie before she gives birth. I can't give this movie an A. But the special effects were great, and I like Star Wars. I guess I can say that the movie was entertaining, but the whole Star Wars plot line was rather thin.

It was so obvious that the Chancelor was evil emperor from the begining. His mouth and voice looked and sounded like the evil emperor even at the very beginning.

I bid you goodnight.


Blogger Valeri said...

The "love scenes" were so cheesy! I laughed so hard! I just wanted Samuel L. to start M.F. ing everything!

3:19 PM


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