Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sick and Surprising?

Nathan had a fever today. He was a little warm before school, but not bad. I gave him some motrin. He was good all day, until the late afternoon. I got a call about 15 minutes before I normally leave, that he had a 102 degree temp. When I got him home, it was about 102. However, an hour or 2 later it was up at or above 103. So we gave him motrin, then he fell asleep in Amy's arms at 6:40. He has been sleeping ever since (it is 10pm right now).

The surprising thing was American Idol tonight. First I must say that I like all 4 contestants, and although Chris was not my favorite, I did not think he would get the boot. Katherine was definately the weaker singer this week. My personal favorite, has and always will be Taylor since I saw him in the auditions. Regardless, I am happy for whoever wins this show. I guess when it comes down to it, you really have to vote for your favorite. I was wondering if Chris had a lesser fan following than Kat? I don't know, but I like many others probably assumed he would win or make it to the finals. Thats the way it goes I guess. I personally tried voting for Taylor a dozen times with no luck. The thing to remember is, these guys are not getting voted off, the favorite is being voted on, and if you have the least amount of votes, you're gone. It really does not matter, Chris will get a record deal, along with Taylor and Kat. I have no doubt about it. This has been the strongest top 5 contestants the show has ever had.

I bid you goodnight.


Blogger Unknown said...

Chris was totally robbed, there is no way Kat was better than him.

3:04 PM

Blogger Valeri said...

I demand a recount!

3:11 PM

Blogger My Name is not Earl said...

I agree with both comments.

7:08 PM


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